For the Type-A Overachiever Virtual fitness classes can provide both instruction and motivation. Buying home gear like resistance bands, kettlebells and battle ropes will up the intensity of a home routine, says Chris Vlaun, a Miami-based personal trainer and co-founder of V-Art of Wellness. If money is no object, he suggests investing in streaming equipment
Why is it so hard to drink a refreshing glass of water? After all, it’s essential to our survival. I hate to say this, but it might be easier for most people to run a marathon, work a 50-hour week or go skydiving, then drink their daily allowance of water. Let’s hope this is not
  It is important for all of us to take good care of our health, especially during this time. The pandemic has everyone jumping on the health bandwagon. People have started living healthier lifestyles to minimize the chances of getting infected by the coronavirus. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) and medical experts, one
We breathe in and we breathe out, and don’t really give the matter much thought. However, during a workout or when our body is being challenged, harnessing the power of our breath can enhance our workout while also ensuring that our body is receiving optimal oxygen. Proper breath control also means that we can exercise
It is not easy to always find time for sport in everyday life. But don’t worry, ten minutes a day can be enough. So from now on no more excuses, because you can always take a few minutes a day. EAT SMARTER reveals seven effective exercises to help you lose weight quickly.sharedivideprint Lose weight quickly with exercise In
Tailor-made course program Most women reject the classic “muscle pumping”, which is still very popular with many men. Women understand fitness a little differently. You don’t want a steely bodybuilder body. What they focus on are endurance, flexibility, a strong back, loose fasciae, tight muscles, weight loss for women and a healthy and natural body
List of Full Body Workout Routine  1. Squat The squat is popularly known as the best full body workout when it comes to fulfil your fitness desires. Most of the people consider it as a perfect leg exercise but in reality it is one of the best full body workouts that work for the whole body.  Whether your
Always wanted to try an exciting new activity, but just not sure where to start? We’re trying out the latest, greatest sports and activities for you and reporting back with our findings, so you know exactly what to expect when trying something for the first time. We tried everything from parkour to trail Running and
Ob mexikanisch, orientalisch oder asiatisch – Wraps sind wegen ihres vielfältigen und abwechslungsreichen Geschmacks sehr beliebt, easy in der Zubereitung  und eignen sich als perfektes Meal-Prep- und Party-Food. Nach kurzer Vorbereitung der Zutaten, werden die Fladen nach Herzenslust befüllt. Ganz nach dem persönlichen Geschmack kann die Füllung veggie oder vegan sein oder Fleisch/Fisch enthalten. Wichtig
You need all 13 of the essential vitamins and 14 essential minerals to maintain health. But let’s be honest—some essential micronutrients perform a larger variety of jobs than others. No offense to nutrients like molybdenum—with its focus on supporting detoxification processes—but the list below highlights the 10 multitasking micronutrients you need to acquire from your
Our team includes some of the best nutritionists, PhDs, dietitians, and specialists in the industry. For example, Dr. John Berardi, Precision Nutrition’s co-founder and co-author of the Level 1 and Level 2 programs, has had vast exposure to almost every aspect of health, fitness, and nutrition. He’s been: A student of nutrition, completing his Ph.D.
First and foremost, we’re practitioners, not just theorists. In fact, we’re the only nutrition certification company in the world that coaches our own clients, in addition to educating health and fitness professionals. We’re in the trenches every day, coaching thousands of people around the world, from all walks of life. We’re constantly improving our coaching
In the 1970s and 1980s, things weren’t looking so great for the tried-and-true mechanical watch. Compact, highly accurate quartz watches had flooded the market, and more and more people were taking a pass on the intricate craftsmanship of mechanical watches and opting for battery-powered options. But Swiss watchmaker Breitling wasn’t content to let the mechanical
Strengthen what are the common problem areas of the lower body for women over 40 with this all-levels strength workout. Grab your free 25 Day Fitness Plan: Over 40? Check out my Fearless & Over 40 Program for Women: Fitness with PJ workouts are made possible by the support and contributions of our
What training intensity distribution shows better results? This video discusses the current evidence surrounding threshold, polarised, and pyramidal training models commonly used by endurance athletes. The small evidence-base of this topic remains an issue with regards to establishing a confident consensus, and therefore future videos are planed once more evidence emerges. Disclaimers: To Know Sport