Workout Meals

Green tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world. It has been a staple drink in China for thousands of years, where the practice of steeping tea leaves originated. From there it spread to other east Asian countries and eventually, Europe. Green tea has several health benefits and has been consumed both
When it comes to alcohol consumption and health, one claim is repeated time-and-time-again, “A glass of red wine with dinner is good for you.” But is this actually true? Let’s investigate. As it turns out, red wine contains the plant compound resveratrol—the factor behind many of the red wine health claims. Read on to learn
As modern neuroscience delves deeper into the complexities of the human brain, gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA, remains a key player in this intricate biochemical orchestra. GABA has become a popular supplement ingredient because it promotes a calm nervous system and feelings of relaxation. If you’re curious about how it works, you’re in the right place.
As your body’s largest organ, your skin is your first line of defense against toxins and external threats. And it’s also the first thing people see, so we take care of it to look our best. Luckily, your skin’s function and appearance are connected. Dry, cracked skin is more vulnerable to environmental effects. On the
At this point, you’ve probably heard of the vegan diet. And there’s a good chance you know a handful of vegans. Veganism and other plant-based diets are becoming more and more mainstream with every passing year. According to one survey, only 1% of consumers in the U.S. identified as vegan in 2014. By 2017, that
Everything you remember, from the meaningful to the mundane, shapes how you see the world…and yourself. In many ways, your memories make you who you are. But let’s set the philosophical aside for a moment and talk practical. Throughout your day, it’s your memory that lets you perform simple tasks like finding your keys or
Herbs and plants have been used throughout history for their beneficial properties. Over 5,000 years ago Eastern civilizations began using natural herbs, practices, and recommendations for the entire spectrum of health needs, including stress. Ashwagandha is one of the most important ancient herbs. It has been used to relieve mild stress, maintain energy levels, and
We all have an inner belligerent teenager who resists, rebels, and feels misunderstood. If you’re a coach, you might be familiar with scenarios where a client’s inner-teen surfaced. Maybe it was when a client… … trained even harder despite you cautioning them to take time to recover. … complained of heartburn, but when you suggested
Losing 10 pounds. Running a half marathon. Getting six-pack abs. How do you turn short-term client goals into something meaningful, sustainable, and inspiring? Enter: Deep Health coaching, the revolutionary method that gets your clients the results they want, plus the results they need. ++++ Are you truly transforming your clients’ health? Are you helping them
“How’s your health?” When most people hear that question, they immediately think about their blood work or maybe a nagging problem, like back pain or heartburn or migraines. Others might focus on a fitness achievement: “Just completed my third marathon this year. Never been healthier!” Many people simply consider their weight or overall appearance: [pinches stomach]
How accurate are body fat percentage calculators? Reasonably accurate, generally speaking. But an online body fat calculator isn’t the MOST accurate way to determine your body fat percentage. There are many different methods you can use to calculate body fat percentage. Here are the most common body fat measurement methods, in order from most accurate