Olympian Colleen Quigley Opens Up About Her Injury Struggles


Running injuries can happen to anyone. Newbie runners or professional athletes alike can run into issues due to a variety of factors within and outside their control. Even when doing everything “right,” an injury can crop up.

Today’s guest has really internalized this truth. Her injury kept her from the recent US Olympic Trials that she had her sights set on.

Your setback may not seem as grand, but the mental struggle is undeniable for all of us who have dealt with an injury. Whether we can’t run the race we planned on, train as consistently as we want, or progress as planned – it can be challenging.

That isn’t to say that we shouldn’t do our part in prevention. There are plenty of ways you can reduce your risk of injury. Or come back quicker even if you have one.

This is the reason why we have an entire course on injury prevention where we help runners like yourself recover, revive, and get back to doing what you love. Or you can start with a free injury prevention e-course mailed directly to your inbox.

You can also check out other episodes with guests who shared their hardships and comeback stories, such as Jake Tuber and Tina Muir.

Colleen Quigley Reflects on Her Injury

Colleen Quigley is one of the most dominant steeplechasers in American history. She has represented the US at the World Championships and Olympics, she won the 2019 indoor mile national championships, and has her sights set on more achievements.

In this episode, Colleen opens up about her months long foot injury. She shares about:

  • How she was able to get the issue diagnosed
  • What she’s doing for recovery
  • Her plans for a comeback
  • Tools she uses to monitor the injury
  • Objective and subjective ways that she measures her wellbeing

We start off with a reflection on runners, in general, and why we tend to suffer silently through our injuries. Here’s what Colleen shared:

Colleen was a joy to chat with because of her honesty, vulnerability, and positive outlook. Hear the full episode by clicking the link below.

Subscribe to the podcast in Apple PodcastsSpotifyStitcheriHeartRadio, or Google Play.

Links & Resources from the Show:

Thank You InsideTracker!


Our show is supported by our longtime sponsor InsideTracker. Today, more than ever, it’s essential that we’re making the right decisions to keep our bodies healthy. To help us be resilient, prevent over-training, and optimize our running to get the most from it.

InsideTracker is the ultra-personalized nutrition platform that analyzes your blood and DNA biomarkers along with your lifestyle habits to help you optimize your body and reach your goals.

InsideTracker’s patented system will transform your body’s data into knowledge, insights, and a customized action plan of science-backed recommendations. The data can help you determine whether you’re running too much, not enough, or have some other issues that could be affecting your recovery or performance.

I’ve had my own blood drawn with InsideTracker several times. I have been amazed at the valuable information that they provide. Not only are the results very detailed, but they also share guidance for how to improve any markers that are out of range.

If you’re ready to take control of your health and optimize your training, InsideTracker offers a selection of plans that best suit your needs with a limited time 25% discount.

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