10 Signs You May Need to Drink More Water.


Why is it so hard to drink a refreshing glass of water? After all, it’s essential to our survival. I hate to say this, but it might be easier for most people to run a marathon, work a 50-hour week or go skydiving, then drink their daily allowance of water. Let’s hope this is not the case for you.

Here are the 10 most common signs you may not be getting enough water throughout the day.

Severe Headaches

The throbbing pain you feel in your head, that’s your brain telling you “I need water.” Dehydration can lower blood flow and oxygen to your brain, causing inflammation. If you’re feeling discomfort from a headache, try drinking water first. It might be an easier solution rather than taking medication or seeing your doctor.

Did You Know?

About 80% of your brain is comprised of water.

Muscle Cramps & Joint Pain

Water plays an integral role in your muscles and joints. It’s important to remember that with less water in the body, muscle mass decreases and causes inflammation or soreness. Similar to your muscles, joints require water to absorb the shock of sudden movements, such as tripping.

Weight Gain

Weight gain is probably the least favorite side effect of dehydration. If you’re not drinking enough water, it can be easy to pack on the pounds. Why? When water is in short supply, it’s easy for your metabolism to slow down and prevent your body from burning fat.

Lack of Energy

Are you tired? Fatigue? Or lethargic? These may be signs your body is craving water. Your body tends to store energy when dehydrated and decrease blood circulation throughout the body, reducing energy and productivity.

A Little Disoriented

Drink plenty of water to avoid periods of confusion, delirium or dizziness. Your body will spin into a tizzy if it doesn’t receive the nutrients to refuel and get going. The goal is to avoid afternoon crashes at work or at school, especially if it’s only noon.

Dry Eyes, Mouth and Skin

Your body relies heavily on water to stay hydrated. Throughout the day, your body is losing much needed fluids and electrolytes to stay active. Without water, your skin experiences a lack of moisture; eyes a decrease in tear production and mouth the ability to produce saliva.

Indulging in Salty Foods

Step away from the bag of chips. The salt cravings your experiencing is your body telling you need “the good kind of sodium” to control your electrolytes. These mineral salts help retain the water your body needs to function. If dehydrated, your body immediately craves salty snacks and sugary drinks that serve no nutritional purpose. Consider a tall glass of water or fresh walnut salad rich in fiber and that tastes delicious.

Did You Know?

The average person can survive about one week without water.

Uncomfortable Stomach Pain

Too often people suffer from digestive problems such as constipation as a result of not drinking enough water. It’s important to keep your stomach clean and full with nature’s most refreshing purifier.

Color of Urine is Too Dark

This is a tell-tale sign of water deprivation. If your body is deprived of water, the waste inside is harder to flush out, literally! Aim to drink plenty of water to help eliminate toxins and produce a clearer, lighter shade of urine for best results.

Not Sweating Enough

Yes, it’s possible when you’re dehydrated. It’s common for most people to sweat during a workout. Sweat keeps your body temperature regulated. If there is not enough water in the body, it makes it challenging to maintain proper body temperature and can lead to heatstroke.

No matter how busy the day gets, remember water is a must for everyone. The next time you feel tired or are suffering from body pain, treat yourself to a tall glass of delicious H2O. Your body will thank you for it.

Loma Linda University

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